Joint Pain

Joint Pain services offered in New Port Richey, FL

Joint Pain

Everyone experiences joint pain occasionally, but if your symptoms affect your mobility or quality of life, treatment is essential. At his practice in New Port Richey, Florida, John B. Fuller, MD, has years of experience diagnosing and treating joint pain. After an in-office exam, he will make personalized treatment recommendations to provide lasting relief. Call the office today to schedule joint pain treatment, or book your appointment online.

Joint Pain Q&A

Are joint pain and arthritis the same thing?

Joint pain and arthritis present similar symptoms, but they’re different:

Joint pain

Joint pain refers to any discomfort, stiffness, or swelling in one or more joints. Sometimes, it indicates an underlying medical condition, like arthritis; other times, it’s simply because of an injury or general wear-and-tear.


Arthritis is a group of diseases that cause joint pain. There are more than 100 types that affect different parts of the body. Arthritis can’t be cured, but various treatments can help manage it. 

What causes joint pain?

Dr. Fuller treats various causes of joint pain, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis
  • General wear-and-tear
  • Sports injuries
  • Bursitis
  • Postural problems

Sometimes, joint pain occurs because of a fracture (broken bone). For example, if you’re in a car accident, a seat belt might put undue strain on your shoulder, resulting in a fracture and a swollen, painful shoulder joint. 

When should I see an orthopaedic surgeon about joint pain?

Make an appointment with Dr. Fuller if you have joint pain that lasts for a week or more and doesn’t improve with rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain medication. That’s especially true if the pain is severe or your joint has a visible abnormality, like a bruise or a large bump. 

How does an orthopaedic surgeon diagnose joint pain?

Dr. Fuller reviews your medical history and asks about your symptoms, including when the joint pain started, what it feels like, and if certain activities make it worse. 

He then examines your joint, checking for redness, bruising, and swelling. Dr. Fuller will assess your joint’s range of motion and gently press on it to identify sensitive areas. Last, he may order diagnostic imaging, like X-rays or an ultrasound, to look for damage.

How does an orthopaedic surgeon treat joint pain?

Dr. Fuller treats joint pain using an integrative, minimally invasive approach. He might suggest:

  • Soaking in a warm bath or applying ice packs
  • Exercising to restore strength and function
  • Topical pain relievers to reduce swelling 
  • Physical therapy
  • Support aids, like a cast or splint
  • Corticosteroid injections

If these treatments don’t provide lasting relief, you might benefit from orthopaedic surgery. Dr. Fuller offers several types, including joint replacement, minimally invasive arthroscopy, joint fusion, and bone reshaping (osteotomy).

Call the office of John B. Fuller, MD, today to schedule joint pain treatment, or book your appointment online.