Nerve Repairs

Nerve Repairs services offered in New Port Richey, FL

Nerve Repairs

Nerve repairs provide a safe, effective treatment for nerve damage caused by injuries and disease. At his practice in New Port Richey, Florida, John B. Fuller, MD, provides several types of nerve repairs, including direct nerve repair, nerve grafting, and nerve transfer. Call the office today to schedule a nerve repair consultation, or book your appointment online.

Nerve Repairs Q&A

What are nerve repairs?

Nerve repairs are orthopaedic procedures that repair or replace stretched, torn, compressed, or otherwise damaged nerves and nerve tissue. 

Your nerves are a complex system of cables that run from your head to your toes. They carry electrical signals to and from your brain, helping you feel sensations and move. The nerves also contribute to various bodily functions, including digestion and breathing. 

Minor nerve damage often improves with conservative treatments, like physical therapy and medication. But if the damage is severe, surgery might be necessary.

Who can benefit from nerve repairs?

Dr. Fuller might recommend a nerve repair procedure if you have severely damaged nerves caused by:

  • A traumatic accident
  • Nerve tumors
  • Nerve entrapment (a nerve compressed by surrounding tissues)
  • Brachial plexus injury (a group of nerves in the shoulders and spinal cord)

The goal of surgery is to relieve uncomfortable symptoms, repair the affected nerves, and prevent further damage.

Are there different types of nerve repair surgery?

Dr. Fuller specializes in several types of nerve repair surgery, including:

Direct nerve repair

Direct nerve repair is the first line of defense against nerve damage. Dr. Fuller uses surgical tools to reconnect the two ends of a nerve. Depending on the location of the damage, your provider might use sutures, stitches, or glue.

Nerve grafting

A nerve graft takes healthy nerve tissue from another part of your body and attaches it to a piece of a severely damaged nerve. The graft bridges the gap where the nerve damage occurred, promoting healing and recovery. 

Nerve transfer

If you aren’t a candidate for nerve grafting, Dr. Fuller recommends nerve transfer surgery. Dr. Fuller takes a healthy donor nerve and reroutes it to connect to the damaged, malfunctioning nerve. The donor nerve encourages the growth of healthy nerve tissue, restoring your movement and sensation. 

What type of nerve repair is right for me?

Only a qualified orthopaedic surgeon, like Dr. Fuller, can determine the type of nerve repair right for you. 

After reviewing your medical records, discussing your symptoms, and performing a physical exam, Dr. Fuller develops a personalized treatment plan. The goals of nerve repair are relieving uncomfortable symptoms and restoring nerve function.

Call the office of John B. Fuller, MD, today to schedule a nerve repair consultation, or book your appointment online.